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Here's a collection of cool photos of my Doberman pups from previous litters.

I hope you can take the time to read what each person has to say about their beloved family member.


This is Copeland. He lives with Melissa in National Park, NJ.

Melissa wrote:

Copeland just got weighed at the vet yesterday and he is the same weight as her. The vet says he is a very well behaved pup with a good temperment.  I have been walking him to get my kids at school , and I taught him to sit while we wait. Now if I stop walking he will just sit. He is very smart and easy to teach.  He is such a joy to have around. He is almost completely house trained. He is so smart and learns fast.  Kopeland is doing really well!

I have attatched a few pictures of him.  He is such a beautiful dog!
Very smart , too.


This is Nea. She lives with Jennifer and her family in NY.

Jennifer wrote:

We got her home and she was so exited, licking and playing.  My husband wanted me to tell you thank you very much.  I can't get them two away from each other.  She is such a happy dog.
Thanks for everything we'll take very good care of her  I wanted to let you know shes doing great growing very fast.   We're trying to potty train out side; shes doing great with it-one or two accidents here and there.  She's getting use to the snow, running and jumping in it.  Here are some pictures of her.  Sorry its been so long, been very busy taking care of the dog and the kids. Nea is doing very well.  She has grown so much.  She is about 45 pounds now.  She loves to run and jump around in the snow.  Here are some pictures for you. 


This is Stomper. He lives with Kevin and Ashley in Platteville, WI.

Ashley wrote:

I have attached some pictures of Stomper. I would like to get pics of his mom and dad if possible?? I also attached a video of him.... hope u find it funny :-) 
Kevin and Ashley


This is Rex. He lives with Kim and Richard in Freemont, CA.

Kim and Richard wrote:

Hello Jeanne,
How nice to hear from you.  Rex is doing great.  He weighs at least fourty pounds now, Richard loves getting on the scale with him to see how much he is growing.  We have some pictures that I would like to send to you in the mail.  Richard is old fashion and doesn't use a digital camera.  I need a new one, but I would really like to send you some pictures of Rex.  He is an absolute joy but also a little devil at times.  He is potty trained, he goes to the back door and either stands there or touches it with his paw.  We start puppy school on January 5.  I have him already sitting on command, laying down still needs some work and he comes when I call him sometimes, depends on what he is doing outside.  Richard and I take him over to an area that is open where other dog owners bring their dogs and he plays like crazy.  There are no fences which is great for the dogs and believe me there are dogs of all sizes and shapes.  Everyone that come across Rex thinks he is absolutly beautiful and he has the greatest personality, LOVES everyone, people and dogs.  Today we are getting Richards two Dobies for a couple of days, it will be great to see how Rex interacts with his step brothers, it will be fun.  Please give me your address so I can send you some pictures.  I will keep my ears open if anyone is looking for a Dobie puppy, right now I am not sure about another one, money is tight.  We love Rex and he is a very good puppy and will be an even better dog.  He sleeps right next to the bed on his bed and sometimes in his crate.  He usually goes in the crate when he gets something he isn't supposed to have, he is a riot.  Please keep in touch, Rex is a wonderful dog!
Happy New Year
Kim and Richard

Rex is doing just great.  Every where we go people absolutly adore him and he is such a people dog.  He loves everybody, along with other dogs.  He is Mr. Social.  We did puppy school and he did very well, we just have to be consistent.  He has a mind of his own.  I finally have some photos of Rex for you.  He is getting big, no doubt.  Richard spends a lot of time with him so they are inseparable.  Rex adores him.  Rex definitely has a mind of his own.  We went through puppy school but he still needs a bit of work.  He likes to put his head on the table and take food off the counter.  He is really tall and we think he will be a lot taller when he is full grown.  People absolutely love him and we take him to races with us and he gets all the attention.  His personality is great, he loves people and other dogs.  He is great and we love him dearly.  I wish we could have another Dobie but for now one is enough.  Keep us up dated on your puppies and I hope all is well with you.


This is Zoe. She lives with Kristin in Iowa City, IA.

Kristin wrote:

Good afternoon.  I just wanted to touch base and let you know how much Blake and I are loving Zoe.  She is developing quite the personality and is already running the show.  She knows that when she goes out early in the morning to potty and does her business she gets to sleep with us for an hour or so until it's time to get up.  So as soon as we come in she runs right into the room and waits by the side of the bed.  Her indoor accidents are becoming fewer and fewer.  She doesn't mess in her crate overnight or when we are at work and I think she gets too excited playing and doesn't know she has too pee until its too late, but that's to be expected.  We've been taking her in the car a lot and she hasn't gotten sick at all. 

She got her ears cropped about 2 weeks ago.  The vet said that he is really impressed with how strong her ears are that he will probably let he go with out tape for a week when we see him next Monday for a check.  He also commented on how great her disposition is.  The picture of her laying on Blake's pillow is totally typical of her.  She loves to be all over us when it's quite time.  She also seems to have a thing for laundry.  She moved the basket herself out of the closet to play in.  I hope all is well on your end!



This is Lady. She lives with Deb in Oronoco, MN.

Deb wrote:

Just thought I would let you know Lady is doing real well.   She knows her name and comes to it nicely, she knows sit and almost knows 'down'.  I think she knows it but it is being a poop about actually DOING it.  I have to touch the floor and tell her down and then she does it.  Down only means down if I have to get down too!  Silly girl!  She has grown quite a bit in the last month, I wish I had measured her!  She is definately taller now.

She is sooo sweet and demure.  Definately a 'Little Lady" - unless she is outside playing with Titan!  She plows into him (okay - she is 41 pounds, he is 110 - she does not make much of an impact on him!) and then she tries to pull his tail!  What a nut!  she doesn't pull the border collies' tail - one she could actually get a hold of - nope she tries to pull Titans' little  1 1/2 inch tail.  It bugs the heck out of him!  They play tug of war and tag like a couple of second graders!  I am so glad I got her!  She chases and plays so hard outside, but when she comes in she plops on the couch and sleeps till she gets to go outside again.
The reason I am writing,  a friend of mine asked if I knew of anybody with a nice dog/ older puppy for sale.  Chuck (the husband) would like a doberman, but the wife is kinda wanting a smaller house dog type.  They both agree they would prefer something a little older - out of the puppy/chewy stage.   They like my Little Lady -  I told them I would get a hold of you to see if you have anything they might be interested in or if you knew of anybody that would.  She is such a sweet little thing! 
She is doing wonderful.   She passed her AKC Canine Good Citizenship test (on the second try.  The first try she flatly refused to lie down.  Nope.  Not doing it. She knew how, and performed it well - but not that day, not that ime, not that place!) We retested her a couple of months later and she did the best of all there.  Now she is certified   AKC Canine Good Citizen.   
If you do have anything please let me know.    They have been watching the paper but have not found anything they want in the classifieds. 
Deb and Lady and Titan and all!


This is Lucy. She lives with Lou and his family in Winona, MN.

Lou wrote:

We decided that since we went to your house thinking we were going to get a Lucy, then Lucy would be the name of the puppy we got.  We were able to decide that about 10 feet outside your house.   Anyways, on the drive home, she yelped for the first 5 minutes or so, then I took her from Whit and held her on my lap as I drove, and she went right to sleep.  She slept for about 45 minutes, then got up and started climbing me so I had to pass her off...and when she got to Whit, she went back to sleep and slept all the way home. 

She was a bit cautious entering her new home, but quickly was running around the house getting into everything she could find, but never going more than a few feet away from me before coming back and checking in.    She had a couple of accidents in the house, but thats to be expected...but we finally got her to go outside (she is not a fan of the cold) and this morning when we let her out she ran straight for the back door of the house.  we took her out and she went potty outside.

When i put her in her kennel last night at 1030ish, she yelped for about 10 minutes, so i went out and laid down next to the door of the kennel with her inside.  She crawled up next to the door and went to sleep.  I woke up at 3 and went to check on her, and she was still sleeping, but i accidently woke her up.  I took her out, played with her and she fell asleep again on my lap and slept until my alarm went off at 615 this morning.

All in all, we could not have hoped for a better first night.  Lucy's personality is a perfect fit for me.  thank you very much for helping to add her to our family.

I'll send some pictures when we take them tonight.  We didnt want to drag the camera out last night by the time we got home...

UPDATE:  Lucy is still doing very well.  She got her last puppy shots last week and her first Lyme vaccination and she will be getting the second of those along with her rabies in about two weeks.    She is still sleeping through the night (the vet says its because we play so much with her while shes awake that shes so tired she cant help but sleep through the night) and is almost potty trained.  I should have more pictures in the next few days because my parents were in town this past weekend.  They took a bunch and are sending some up this way, so if you'd like more, just let me know and i will gladly send them.



Solomon lives with Benjamin and Leslie in Bangor, ME.

Leslie wrote:

Just wanted to let you know I was able to get him by 7:30pm tonight. He's very well, and a happy boy. He's a licker!!! He's so sweet and precious and just a happy puppy. He's sitting in my lap trying to lick my mouth and up my nose at this
second...and he can reach, too!!! :) He fell asleep in my dad's lap tonight, with his face buried in dad's hand. It was precious.  He's doing great! He's happy and is taking a liking to us all. My boyfriend is still at work, and hasn't gotten a chance to see him yet. He keeps texting me every two seconds asking, "what's he doing now? what's he look like? I cant' wait to see him". It's sweet. Solomon is doing really great. He's probably about 50 lbs now, all updated on his shots. He's so beautiful. I'll send you an email with some pictures of him tonight when I get home. My work computer doesn't have any pics of him. He did get over his
limp. At first we were worried, because his leg started growing wierd, it wouldn't straighten out, because he was favoring for about a month. The vet was worried he'd need surgery, b/c he was concerned the fracture hit the growth plate. It was
definitely fractured the vet said. He has been able to walk normal on it though since, and his leg is fine. He's very playful. Right now he's teething so bad. He'll be chewing on something and blood will be everywhere. I didn't realize how bad the
teething stage was!!
Thank you,



Angel lives with Shannon and his family in Luana, IA.

Shannon doesn't have email so I took this picture when he brought Angel over to meet another litter of Doberman pups.  Shannon wants to get another puppy for Angel to play with.  Shannon and his wife have very small children and Angel is very gentle with them.  We had Angel's ears cropped when she was under 2 weeks old.  I think they turned out really nice.



This is Cocoa. She lives with Dana and her family in Cresco, IA.

Dana wrote:

Just thought I'd drop a note! Cocoa is wonderful! And certainly an eye catcher everywhere we go! There's been a few people that jump the first time they see her but they don't believe me when I tell them she'll only lick them to death! :) Here are just a few pictures! Two weeks ago she weighed in at 40 lbs!  I would think she's pretty close to 50lbs now. She loves my nephews!!! 
